Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Who Says Costumes are Fun?

Halloween has been a real nightmare for me this year. William is at such an "inbetween" age. At first he wanted to be something from Star Wars, but I vetoed that because that's not cute. Then he wanted to be a pirate. Well all of the pirate costumes are really cheap looking and thin and stupid. So we settled on a dinosaur. After unsuccessfully bidding on eBay for several dinosaur costumes, we went back to the Internet for ideas. You'd be surprised the costumes they have out there for little boys. To name a few:

Soul Taker
Death Scream
Axe Murderer
Gladiator of Doom
Sailor of Death
Jack the Ripper
Death Eater
Captain Sea Plague
Corpse Klown (sic)
Lord Dark Skull
and my favorite....
Child Pimp

A pimp. Seriously? What's he going to say when he goes to some one's door "Yo, trick, where's my treat?"

Needless to say, William will be none of the above. Stay posted...we may have agreed on a costume concept that fulfills both of our requirements!

Wednesday, October 8, 2008

Who Wants Balls

As I'm driving down the road, I see a truck with a pair of "balls" hanging from the hitch.  I've seen this before, but this time I had my camera.  You might think this is common in Iowa, but it isn't.  And before you think, "Oh, this guy's kind of funny," I have to tell you the rest of the story.  So as drive past in an effort to take the picture, I notice this dickwad has a confederate flag attached (probably stapled) to the roof of his truck.  Then, I noticed the license plate holder had a confederate flag on it.  What year is it?  People are's your proof.

Wednesday, October 1, 2008

More Shows

I remembered that I also watch the following:

Law & Order SVU

Lipstick Jungle
Dirty Sexy Money
Pushing Daisies